How to stay excited in a world that is falling apart
- Looking Back
- Where we have changed people
- We are amazing people
- It looked so easy to create a youtube channel
- Don’t fear Failure
- Being a successful programmer
- Life too is an iterative process
- Enjoy their laughter
- Does it make a difference?Should stop arguing and focus on results
- It’s nice to be right. It’s better to be effective.
- What people get wrong about business?
- Problem
- Business
- Profit
- Look for the helpers, then help then
The opportunity to
- Empathize with others
- Learn how the world really works
- Find weakness we can address
- Do better the next time
- Laugh at ourselves
Changing your luck
- Finding the opportunities in the bad
- Remembering to look back at accomplishments
- Seeing what is there instead is not there
- At least trying to achieve your dreams
- Seeing the up and downs as parts of the whole
What is the best thing about the world ending?
- Don’t waste time on things that don’t matter
- What really matters is to you!
WebSockets: Adding Real-Time Data to Your App with SwiftNIO and Network Framework
Http Protocols
- Stateless
- Secure
HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2
Upgrade Negotiation Request Headers
- HTTP will ignore and send 1.1 response
- http/2 will send a 101 Switching Protocols
- Polling
- Request on Timer
- Client makes request
- Long Polling
- Blocking request and awaits for data
- Server pushes back over time
- Bi-directional message oriented
- UTF-Binary Message
- Subprotocols
- WebSocket Protocol vs HTML 5
RFC 6455
WebSocket Upgrade Negotiation Headers
- Version
- Key
- Accept
- Protocol
- Extensions
Why would we use NIO
- Custom protocols
- Effieiency / Scale
Server Side Swift
Ios12 and 13
- Network Framework
- URLSession Support
Codable Deep Dive
If You Liked It Then You Should Have Put A String On It
Intro to Serverless Computing with Swift
Where can we implement serverless in our app?
Why use serverless?
- Scalability
- Pay per use
- Decreased time to market
- Event driven scenarios
- Offload CPU intensive tasks to the cloud
- Integration with cloud services
FASS (functions as a Service)
- AWS Lamda
- Azure Functions
No Biz Like Show Biz: Video Recording Your App for Marketing and Instruction
- Tagline: What’s your story?
- Bloom’s Taxonomy
- 5 minute app
- Script – The Hero’s Journey
- Script – You are the Obi Wan
- Script Structure
- Intro – crisis
- Narrative – journey
- End – award
- Script Styles: Text Only
- Script Styles: Documentary
- Edit & Rehearse
- Production
- Live Action
- Screenshot
- Screen Capture
- Microphone
- Slide Deck
- Microphones
- Single Durational Mic off of Amazon
- Screen Capture Software
- QuickTime
- WorkFlow
- Demo System
- Teleprompter
- Tablet
- Set your Stage
- Distraction Screen: Start at blank home screen
- Record
- Aim for one take
- Find producers
- Saving and naming
- Post-Production
- Imovie
- Mix to Mono
- Publishing
- App Previews with no talking only sound
StoreKit And The IAP Lifecycle
Creation to Realization
NAMI: help app developers make money and not sell data
Venturing Into the world of RxSwift unit testing.
RxSwift is similar to other RX frameworks